Yes, I know its a bit fast. I have a lot of comments lol. You play as a robot with the ability to manipulate platforms. You team up with a drone capable of shooting lasers. You are normally enemies, although this challenge will require you to cooperate. The drone hasn't realized that yet though. ;)


Normal Music: 8 Bit Go" By HeatleyBros:

Boss Music: 8 Bit Evil" By HeatleyBros


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As soon as the jam ends, I'm gonna update it by slowing down the player to make it easier, make the laser deal more damage, and add some new levels.

niceeeee game


This game awesome!

They are stronger together because only together they can destroid boxes but they are also weeker together because one of them can kill the other and then they cant get to the treasure. The graphics are also very good.

 fantastic game!☺